09 8011130
Bulk SMS Marketing - SMS Reminders - SMS Integration
Bulk SMS Marketing
Send SMS campaigns of any volume fast
We have a super simple and ultra fast bulk SMS sender that you can access from anywhere in the world.
Bulk SMS campaigns are a great way to get instant results. If things are a bit quiet, send out a campaign and get your phone ringing again.
PRO TIP: Always start with the end result you want first. ie do you want your customers to call you, to reply to the SMS or to go to your website?
We can help you with all of these options:
In the body of the SMS, simply put your phone number. eg:
"Ph 9998888 to book"
Typically a smartphone will recognise the phone number and allow the end user to hold their finger on it and offer the option to call the number. Super easy!
We can make the SMS appear to come from one of our numbers and we forward replies to you as a real-time email.
It is super easy to put a web address in the message. the end user taps on the web address and are taken instantly to your site. We can even make up a simple landing page for your clients to go to. This page can be a form, a survey or just some critical information about your business.
We can send to the carriers at over 200 messages per second so your campaigns go out super fast!
There is no software to install. Our web interface is the simplest thing you'll ever see and sending a campaign is as easy as Copy - Paste - Send
Copy all the mobile numbers you need from excel or anywhere.
No need to save CSV files or upload anything.
The numbers can be separated by a comma, tab or new line.
Don't worry about formatting the numbers. We will fix them automatically for you.
Examples of formats we accept:
21123456 - Where excel stripped off the leading 0
021123456 - Local format
6421123456 - International format
+6421123456 - International format with + sign
021-123-456 - With dashes
021 123 456 - With spaces
021123456Jimmy - Number with accidental text all in the same cell

25% off storewide at XYZ
clothing. Ends Sunday.
10 Smith St City.
Don't miss out
Reply STOP to optout

Mobile numbers in several formats with or without the + sign. All accepted
Then just paste the numbers straight into our website. We automatically calculate the amount of valid mobile numbers.
For one off SMS campaigns, paste the numbers directly into our send sms page. We will automatically remove any duplicates for you at the time of sending and refund any credits for the unsent duplicates automatically.

Mobile numbers pasted into the send sms page. The number counter on the left shows the amount of valid mobile numbers you have pasted in.
For repeat campaigns, you can paste the numbers into our lists page and we will store the list in our system for later use. There is no size limit and creating a new list can be done in 20 seconds.

Lists of mobile numbers and their descriptions stored in our lists page
You can edit a list at any time by clicking Edit next to any list.
Use Ctrl + F to find a number in a list or paste in a bunch more numbers and click Save.
Again, we'll remove any duplicates, wash against opt-outs and save your list in under 20 seconds.
When your numbers are pasted in, type your message. We'll tell you how many characters you are using and how many credits your campaign will use.
We have SMS templates as well so you can store successful campaign messages and use them again.

Select a stored list to send to and type your message or select an sms template. We show you how many characters, messages and credits are used.
You can either send a campaign right now or schedule the campaign for any time in the future.

The simple calendar to select date and time you want to schedule a message
We comply with the New Zealand spam laws by providing you with a free optout number.
If you are sending bulk sms marketing campaigns in New Zealand, you must include "Stop SMS 2807" in your message.
We have a handy optout template that you can select which puts this into your message text first, then you simply type your message in front of this.

Selecting the OPTOUT template inserts the optout message in to the body of the SMS
If somebody replies to the optout number, they are automatically removed from your database and cannot be sent an SMS again.
We send you an optout report that night showing all optouts, their mobile numbers and the messages they sent. You can view and add mobile numbers to your optout list from our optouts page and you can re-subscribe anybody who has accidentally opted out.
We have a simple reporting page so you can see all your campaigns in one place.
It shows the campaign size, date and time, the message text, the number of credits used and whether it is currently scheduled, running or sent.
You can cancel a scheduled campaign up to 5 minutes before it is due to be sent.
You can also search for campaigns by date range and the recipient's mobile number
If you're halfway through sending a large campaign and you're taking more orders you can handle, you can pause an SMS campaign. Then wait till things calm down and you're ready to take more calls and resume the campaign.
Managed Campaigns
If you prefer, we can handle sending the whole campaign for you. This includes:
Cleaning, de-duplicating & storing your data
Helping you create the most effective message text
Sending tests to you for approval or changes
Scheduling the campaign
Sending you optout reports
Updating data for future campaigns
For more info on bulk SMS campaigns contact us any time.